Basic data
Step - 1 Basic data
Please enter the name of the country in which your city is located, in English
Please enter the name of your city, in English
Please enter the population of the city within its administrative boundaries in the most recent available year. Please do not round the values. For example, if the population of the city is 1 million two hundred and five people, the entry should look like this: 1000205
Quantitative indicators
Step - 2 Quantitative indicators
Please enter a value equal to the share of electrical energy (in %) that is generated from a corresponding energy source in the total volume of the city’s electrical energy consumption in the most recent available year, in each of the 5 fields. Please make sure the sum of the values in all the 5 fields does not exceed 100. If you do not have the data on the structure of sources of electricity consumed in the city, you may use the data posted on the website, Cities Energy Mix datasets, for the latest available year
The share of the following sources of energy in the city electrical energy consumption mix:
Natural gas*
Nuclear energy*
Solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen, hydropower (including tidal energy), biofuels, and energy produced from waste (Waste-to-energy) are all considered renewable energy sources (RES)
Energy Consumption
Please show how much electricity the city consumed in the year for which the most recent data is available
Total annual electricity consumption
Please show how much thermal energy the city consumed in the year in which the most recent data is available. If statistical data on thermal energy consumption in your city is recorded in other units of measurement (for example, gigacalories), please convert the values to gigawatt-hours to make sure the calculations are consisten
Total annual thermal energy consumption
Please enter the average annual temperature (in degrees Celsius) in the city in the most recent available year. If you do not have the information on the average annual temperature, you may use the data posted on the website
Average annual temperature in the city
Please indicate the percentage of city residents (in %) who use a corresponding type of transport (mode of travel) for daily commute, in each of the 7 fields. Please make sure the sum of the values in all the 7 fields does not exceed 100. If you do not have the information on the amount of city residents using various types of transport for regular travel, you may use the data posted on the website, section Main Means of Transportation to Work or School, and select the page dedicated to your city. In this case, add up the values in the Car and Motorbike lines to fill the Private Transport field in the Form. The remaining fields of the Form should be filled with the values given for the corresponding modes of transport (travel)
The proportion of city residents who regularly use the following for travel to school/work:
Private transport*
Work from home*
Please enter the total number of buses and trolleybuses in the city's ground public transportation fleet in the most recent available year
Total number of public transportation vehicles
in the city (all types of buses, trolleybuses)
in the city (all types of buses, trolleybuses)
Please enter the number of trolleybuses and buses that do not burn fossil fuel (electric buses, fuel cell buses) in the city's ground public transportation fleet in the most recent available year. Please make sure that the value in this field does not exceed the value entered in the previous field
Total number of clean public transportation vehicles
in the city (trolleybuses, electric buses, fuel cell buses)
in the city (trolleybuses, electric buses, fuel cell buses)
Please enter the proportion (%) of clean motor vehicles, i.e. the ones powered exclusively by electric or hydrogen engines, to all vehicles registered in the city. If the requested data is not available at the city level, use the data at the national level
The proportion of clean motor vehicles to the total number
of motor vehicles registered in the city (or country)
of motor vehicles registered in the city (or country)
Green areas
Please enter the proportion of the area occupied by green spaces (gardens, squares, parks, forests, etc.) (in %) to the total area of the city within its administrative boundaries
The proportion of green spaces to the total area of the city
within administrative boundaries
within administrative boundaries
Please enter the mass of municipal solid waste generated in the city that was sent for disposal to landfills, including those located outside the administrative boundaries of the city, in the same year as that used in the previous field. Please make sure that the value in this field does not exceed the value entered in the previous field
Total mass of municipal solid waste
generated per year
generated per year
Please enter the total mass of municipal solid waste that was generated within the city limits in the most recent available year. Municipal solid waste is the waste generated during the consumption of final products in households, companies and other organizations, including food waste, goods that have lost their consumer properties, packaging, etc. Waste that is generated in the process of manufacturing goods is not considered municipal solid waste
Mass of municipal solid waste disposed
in landfills during the year
in landfills during the year
Climate policy goals
Step - 3 Climate policy goals
Please select one of the options in each of the 5 fields. The “yes” option should be selected if at least one goal has been officially adopted at the city level in the relevant area and meets the following criteria: - The goal is public, i.e. the information about the goal is publicly available - The goal is stated in an official document – a strategy, climate plan, local law, etc. - The goal is measurable, i.e. a quantitative target has been established and the deadline for its attainment defined. If there aren’t any goals in a particular area that meet the above criteria, or information about such goals is not available at the time of completing the Form, please select the “no” option in the corresponding field
Are there any measurable municipal policy objectives to achieve the following:
Promote renewable sources of energy
Reduce energy consumption or improve
energy efficiency
energy efficiency
Promote clean transport or reduce the number of vehicles
with internal combustion engines
with internal combustion engines
Expand / preserve green spaces
Reduce the amount of generated waste, reduce the proportion
of waste disposed in landfills, or promote waste recycling
of waste disposed in landfills, or promote waste recycling
Ready: 0%
1 of 3
Before completing the preliminary assessment, we recommend you to read the instructions for filling out the questionnaire